We know that financial well-being affects your physical and emotional well-being. Please use the drop-down menu of this section to find some guidance on the Trust pension plan, details on how to access your personal HMRC tax account and details on the ways St Monica Trust colleagues and volunteers can save money on shopping – plus some helpful hints for budgeting.
We have put together a number of resources and links to support your financial well-being along with a document to hopefully answer all those frequently asked questions relating to money management.
Click on the Resources Section on the right for more links.
The Care Workers Charity: Offering support and grants so that no care worker faces financial hardship alone. thecareworkerscharity.org.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau for Energy savings. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/grants-and-benefits-to-help-you-pay-your-energy-bills/
The Money & Pensions Service: Pensions guidance, Debt advice, Money Guidance, Consumer Protection and Strategy. moneyandpensionsservice.org.uk
The Money Advice Service: Free and impartial money advice, set up by government. https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en