As a colleague or volunteer at St Monica Trust you actively contribute to the well-being and quality of life of our residents and customers. In turn, we recognise the importance of your own well-being in being able to deliver these vital services.
Whatever your role, feeling fit and healthy will help you to build your resilience, enhance your mental well-being and help you to achieve the very best you can at work.
Get In Touch:
Cote Lane, Westbury-on-Trym Bristol, BS9 3UN
0117 949 4000
This website focuses on a range of elements that contribute to your well-being, including physical fitness, nutrition, managing stress, maintaining good mental health and financial well-being.
You’ll find hints, tips, activities, recipes and because we know that everyone is different and will have differing needs, there’s a list of useful contacts and signposts to help you when you most need it.
If you need to talk about well-being, whatever the concern or issue, please contact your line manager, you, the People Directorate or Pastoral Care team. See the internal phone list for contact details. While we are unable to provide everything about well-being in here, we do hope you find something to help you within this St Monica Trust Well-being website. If you have any feedback or anything to add to it, please get in touch with the People Directorate.