It’s true to say that we are what we eat: our overall well-being can be affected by our diet. Eating a balanced diet helps improve our mood, energy levels, sleep, skin, strength and overall physical health.
Videos and podcasts
Food and mood
Find out how food can affect your mood, like dark chocolate to help with stress and avocado to balance your hormones.
Eat well on a budget
Experts from Zoe Science and Nutrition discuss nutrition on a budget.
Emotional eating
What if weight loss isn’t about the food.
Why your body needs it, how much and how to get enough.
The truth about ultra-processed foods.
A cause for concern is emerging evidence of ultra-processed foods’ detrimental effect on our brain health and overall well-being.
Organic food
What does “organic” food mean? And how do you know if something’s organic?
How snacking impacts your health.
Is all snacking unhealthy?
Exploring the physical health (particularly the gut) of a group of British foragers involved in the Wild Biome Project. Are there lessons for us all?
A pilot public health scheme in south east London is prescribing fresh fruit & veg to people with chronic disease and mental health conditions.
Links and articles
Tips, recipes and ideas to support healthy nutrition whatever stage of life you’re at.
Books and apps
Pinch of Nom Budget: Affordable, Delicious Food
Kate Allinson
Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well, by the #1 bestselling author of SPOON-FED
Tim Spector
Ravenous: How to get ourselves and our planet into shape
Henry Dimbleby
Download the free NHS food scanner app. With a speedy scan of your family’s favourite foods, you can find healthier swaps for next time you shop.
Meal planning apps: Click on the images for the links.
Recipe apps
BBC Good Food
Mindful eating apps
Mindful eating tracker
Gourmet bites
Calorie counting apps
Calorie Counter +
My fitness pal
Food allergy apps