Look after your back
Most people worldwide will experience back pain during their lifetime. It can be disabling and worrying but it is very common and rarely dangerous.
Keeping active is shown to be helpful for tackling back pain and is also the most effective strategy to prevent future episodes.
Source: https://www.csp.org.uk/publications/10-things-you-need-know-about-your-back
This video from The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy explains how our spines are very strong and designed to move. Moving helps us get better sooner!
5 ways to keep your spine happy and healthy

1. Let your spine really rest while sleeping.
While you’re lying down, all the structures in your spine that have worked hard all day finally have an opportunity to relax and be rejuvenated. To make the most of this time, you need a mattress and pillows that allow your spine to rest in a supported and comfortable way.
2. Exercise your core to strengthen abs and back muscles.
Your core muscles—located in your lower back and abdomen—need to be strong and supple in order to support your spine and take pressure off your lower back.
3. Your shoes need to support your spine.
Whether you’re walking for exercise or just to get where you’re going, the shoes you wear play an important role in supporting your lower back. Good shoes provide a supportive base that helps the spine and body remain in alignment.
4. Enjoy the benefits of massage.
A good back massage has a number of therapeutic benefits, such as increasing blood flow, loosening tight muscles and connective tissues, and boosting feelings of relaxation.
5. Practice good ergonomics while sitting—and limit total sitting time.
The discs in your lower spine are loaded more while sitting than standing, so long periods of sitting can create or aggravate a painful back condition.
Looking after your back at work
Many of us need to lift during the course of our day as part of our work. To prevent injury it is important to know the correct lifting technique. Watch this video for more information.
It is important to set up your workstation correctly to maintain good posture and avoid injury. This short video from the Health and Safety Executive shows you how.