According to the Mental Health Foundation, approximately 1-in-8 men have a common mental health problem such as anxiety, stress, or depression.
Additionally, The Men’s Health Forum has highlighted some of the challenges relating to health outcomes amongst men:
- In the UK, one man in five dies before he reaches the age of 65.
- Three-quarters of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease are amongst men
- Men have a 37% higher risk of dying from cancer
- Four in five suicides are by men
The Health and Social Care Committee has launched a new inquiry (2023) with a focus on men’s physical and mental health to understand the drivers behind higher levels of disease and a fall in life expectancy.
Movember: Guess the moustache answers

Understanding Men’s health
Physical health
Men’s health myth-busting
Click on the image below or this link for some myth-busting information from a men’s health expert.
Men’s health – know your numbers
Keep track of your health by knowing what’s normal for you.
Your car gets one regularly but what about you? No, not a parking ticket, an MOT.

A quick and easy health check you can do at home. Click on the image above or this link to find out if your engine is tuned, if you’re overloaded etc.
Giving your body a once-over doesn’t require any spanners and needn’t cost a penny. If you’re worried about the results of any of the following tests, see your GP.
Mental health
Talking about mental
health can be tough.
Try these resources to give you the confidence to have the conversation:
Get your free Mind plan from the NHS.
Answer 5 simple questions to get your personalised mental health action plan, with tips and advice to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
10 lifestyle tips for better male mental health from Holland and Barrett
Supporting Others
Supporting men’s health in the workplace
Remember that this information may also be relevant to some people who are transgender, intersex or non-binary (who may not necessarily identify as male.)
In this Youtube video (10 mins) from Bupa Bitesize academy Emma Shatliff and Dr Ravi Lukha discuss supporting men’s mental and physical health in the workplace.
Men’s health conversation starters
This guide for line managers from Peppy may help you to start a conversation around men’s health.
Difficult conversations
Knowing how to start a difficult conversation and then handle it sensitively, attentively, repectfully and mindfully can really help someone to open up.

These Talking Points flashcards are a great resource.

Find your Practise conversation with Movember:
Guides from Movember to help you start a conversation with confidence and keep it moving in a helpful direction. Practise here
Knowing where to signpost

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
Useful Resources
Our free & confidential Employee Assistance programme We-care is available to you and your household if you need extra support or a phone/online GP appointment.
Tel: 0208 068 0035 Access code: H30174.
Talk Club is a UK male mental health charity helping men to improve their mental health.
The Men’s Health Forum is a charity supporting men’s health in England, Wales and Scotland.

Here a just a selection of the many wonderful books available on this topic. Click on the image for the link.

(Click on the images for the links)
My Prostate Cancer Journey: Boyd Harrison, Movember

Why So Many Men Avoid Going to the Doctor

Struggles with “Imposter Dad” syndrome

Podcasts and videos
The leading charity changing the face of men’s health. Movember’s website offers resources
including ‘Know thy nuts’, ‘Spot the signs’ and ‘Five things every man should know’, free of charge all
year round
For free information, help finding support groups, real stories and infographics relating to prostate
cancer prevention, signs, treatment and management.
Men’s Health forum is a registered charity whose mission is to improve the health of men and boys
in England, Wales and Scotland.
A men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. We want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation. #ITSOKAYTOTALK
Banishing loneliness and isolation isn’t easy, which is why Men’s Sheds encourages local communities to come together to build, fix and restore – projects as well as themselves!